Monday, February 8, 2010

Software Application!

I love new programs, I have a few im very intrested in exploring. I recently purchased Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Photoshop, two highly used programs. I would like to learn more about both these applications. Microsoft Office 2007 is probably the one im most excited to learn about because, its something that i can take with me as i get older and as i look for a job. Most companies look at what were able to do with this program and sometimes wont hire you if you cant even work Mircosoft Word. Adobe Photoshop is another one that has caught my attention. I have seen so many projects evolve by the using of this program and I myself cant figure out how to even change the color schemes of a picure. It amazes me how theres so many different options and thats what i find most impressive. While taking this course i hope to atleast learn more about one of these applications.

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